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- United Kingdom Chronology
- Great Britain began the 20th century as one of the world's most advanced economies, backed by a massive trading empire.
- * 1906 Reformist Liberal government.* 1914 World War I begins.
- * 1918 Armistice signals end of war. Cost to Britain: 750,000 dead.
- * 1921 Southern Ireland becomes free state.
- * 1926 General Strike.
- * 1929 World stock market crash. Widespread unemployment.
- * 1931 UK leaves gold standard and devalues pound.
- * 1934 Arms spending increased in response to Hitler's rise to power.
- * 1936 Edward VIII abdicates over marriage to Mrs. Simpson.
- * 1937 Neville Chamberlain prime minister.
- * 1938 Chamberlain meets Hitler in Munich over Czech crisis and announces that threat of war with Germany has been averted.
- * 1939 Germany invades Poland. UK declares war on Germany. Start of World War II.
- * 1940 Winston Churchill becomes prime minister. Battle of Britain. Bombing of London ("Blitz").
- * 1941 USA joins Allies.
- * 1942 UK victory at El Alamein.
- * 1944 6 June: D-Day launches invasion of German-occupied France.
- * 1945 End of World War II. War costs 330,000 British lives. LP government comes to power on social welfare platform.
- * 1946 Government begins nationalization of Bank of England, railroads, coal and utilities. Begins departure from former colonies.
- * 1947 India granted independence.
- * 1948 UK founder-member of UN Security Council. "Austerity Olympics" held in London. National Health Service established.
- * 1949 UK founder-member of NATO.
- * 1956 Suez crisis. UK intervenes in Suez canal zone but forced to withdraw by USA.
- * 1957 US nuclear missiles accepted on UK soil.
- * 1960 UK founder-member of EFTA.
- * 1961 UK application to join EC rejected by French President De Gaulle.
- * 1965 Winston Churchill dies.
- * 1968 Abortion and homosexuality legalized.
- * 1969 British troops sent into Ulster. Peace Wall between Protestant and Catholic communities erected.
- * 1970 Age of majority cut to 18. CUP in power under Edward Heath. 8.8m work days lost in strike action.
- * 1973 UK joins EEC. Oil crisis. Industry placed on three-day week following strikes by utility workers and miners.
- * 1974 LP government, under Harold Wilson, concedes miners' demands and strikes end. High inflation.
- * 1975 Margaret Thatcher becomes CUP leader. Referendum ratifies EEC membership. First North Sea oil pipeline in operation.
- * 1976 "Cod War" with Iceland.
- * 1979 CUP wins election.
- * 1980 Anti-US Cruise missiles protests. Rising unemployment and inner-city riots.
- * 1981 CUP launches privatization program.
- * 1982 Unemployment three million. Argentina invades Falklands. Islands retaken by UK task force.
- * 1983 Tax-cutting policies. CUP wins general election.
- * 1985 Anglo-Irish Accord: attempt to resolve Ulster's "troubles."
- * 1986 Financial services market deregularized ("Big Bang").
- * 1987 CUP wins third election in a row. First black MP in Parliament.
- * 1988 PanAm airliner blown up by terrorists over Lockerbie, Scotland.
- * 1990 John Major takes over as CUP leader. UK joins Gulf War.
- * 1992 CUP wins election.